Welcome to Sayre MS Cheer!!!!

We are always looking for feedback to make the page more informative to the group.

Schedule Update 




Game schedule now posted
Checking with Photographer to get Cheer pictures set up for the girls.
More info to follow on this
If your daughter has to miss a game -
we appreciate you letting us know in advance -
by email (asap) or phone or text
(if they take ill at the last minute). 

Contact Coach Megan's phone for leaving a MESSAGE or TEXT 537-0313
or send an EMAIL to: Cheer4Sayre@aol.com


2010-11 Season

We will be able to keep you updated here

Practice/Game Schedule

Arrival for games is ALWAYS 20 minutes prior to scheduled game time.
We will sometimes have a practice prior to a game. 

We will cheer a variety of Grade Level Games

11/19 (Fri.) Practice - dismissal to 5:15
12/1 (Wed.) - dismissal to 5:15

11/23 - 11/28 - THANKSGIVING BREAK


12/2 - 6pm (Thurs.) - vs Burgin @ Home (7/8)
12/14 - 5:30 - (Tues.) - vs Model @ Home (6/7/8)
12/21 to 1/3 - CHRISTMAS BREAK


1/6 - 5:30 (Thurs.) - vs LCA - AWAY (6/7/8)
1/12 - 6pm (Wed.) - vs Paris @ Home (7/8)
1/18 - 5:30pm (Tues.)  - vs Berea @ Home (6/7/8) 
1/21-23  - KBA State Championship (6th) TBD
1/27 - 6pm (Thurs.) - vs TLS @ Home (6/7/8)

2/1 - 5:30pm (Tues.) - vs LCA @ Home (6/7/8)
2/2-4 - Bluegrass Conference Tournament (8th only)  TBD
2/4-6 - KBA State Championship (7th) TBD
2/18-20 - KBA State Championship (8th) TBD


Hello Middle School Sayre Cheerleaders and Parents. 
Welcome to our new site. 

We should be able to keep you posted on all scheduling here
and hope you will check this site frequently.

Sayre MS Cheerleaders



Tips for Parents
Information provided by:
provider of cheer squad uniforms for 2007 season

Know Your Role
Tips for Creating a Great Relationship With Your Coach
As a parent it is a given that you want nothing but the best for your children. 
To better their lives you give them the things they need, and
then some… often times putting their involvement in extracurricular activities and sports at the top of the list. 
Giving someone else authority
 over your child can often times be a challenge, after all you are their Mom, and You know what’s best!  If you are the parent of a cheerleader or dancer it is important to recognize where “Mother knows best” ends and “Because Coach says so” begins. 
Here are some tips on how to
create and maintain a win-win relationship with your Child’s coach.  

Respect your child’s coach.  By putting your child in a spirit program you are agreeing to share authority over your child as an athlete.  Create a relationship based on respect. 
By respecting your child’s
coach both in the gym and at home you are setting an example that your child will learn from.  We all know that to get respect you must give it.  Following this practice will create a dynamic that is positive for everyone.  

Address problems and concerns one-on-one.  When problems arise, don’t try to solve them in the bleachers!  What this means is to be careful not to let a personal concern turn into a gossip session at the next game or competition.  Meet with the coach behind closed doors and talk about your concerns in a professional manner.  Often times the subject at hand is the result of lack of communication and misunderstanding.  By addressing the coach and taking time to actively listen to their reasoning and point of view you can usually clear the air and keep your concern from spreading like wildfire to parents that realistically have no need to get involved.  

Offer support.  No one says that you have to be best friends with your child’s coach.  It is, on the other hand, important to show that you are supportive and appreciative of the time and effort they are dedicating to your child’s team.  Coaches are commonly overworked and underpaid, making it even more important for you to show that they really are making a positive impact in the lives of the athletes they are leading.  An easy way to show that you appreciate your Coach is to chip in when volunteers are needed, stay organized and timely with materials and money due for the team, and simply offer a smile and word of encouragement when stress levels rise!  

By following these principles in building a relationship with your coach you will find that you will stress less and succeed more!  

Share your tips and experiences with other parents by emailing to info@teamspiritcheer.com with Parent Tips in the subject line.  


Your Coaches:
537-0313 cell
Megan Baird,
Cheer/Dance Coach  

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